- How many copies of QueueIt! can be running at the same time?
Several copies of QueueIt! may be running at the same time. This is to allow several hosts/hostesses to greet guests and enter them
into queues.
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- How many waiting lists can QueueIt! handle?
Since QueueIt! simply makes images and places them on a web server, it can handle any number of waiting lists. The displays 'pull'
the images to themselves on a periodic basis, so QueueIt! is not doing that work - allowing many more lists to be handled than would otherwise
be possible. Although the largest 'Pack' for licensing QueueIt! is for 24 waiting lists, Packs can be combined for larger quantities. For example, if
you need 36 waiting lists you would license a 24 Pack and a 12 Pack for a total of 36.
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- What has to be on the PC that is running QueueIt! software?
Just QueueIt! there is no other software required. You will also need a shortcut to the drive or shared folder where QueueIt! content is being
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- Can the displays being controlled by QueueIt! be turned off at night?
If the displays are based on the SMIL digital sign standard, they can be turned off. Look in the Settings screen of QueueIt! for
pop-ups to control the time off and time on for your displays.
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- How does the media player for each queue know what wait list to display?
Media players and web browsers point to a specific URL to show specific content. QueueIt! works the same way. You enter a URL in the
'content source' screen of the media player menu, or in the browser's address bar. The URL starts with the IP address of the web service,
followed by the word 'QCONTENT' then the name of the waiting list, and either index.html for web browsers or index.smil for media player. For example,
a waiting list named Registration_A-M would have the following URL if the IP of the web service is and you are using a media player: Note that queue names are case sensitive.
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- How does the host or hostess tell QueueIt! what line to put a guest into?
The queue selection is via a pop-up menu at the top of the Management tab. You must select a queue before entering a new Guest.
- Can I see what is showing on a display screen from the QueueIt! software?
Yes. There is a View tab within QueueIt! where you can select any queue and see what
the current waiting list screen looks like.
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- When are my QueueIt! waiting lists updated?
Each time a host or hostess adds a new Guest to a waiting list, or serves a Guest out of a list, QueueIt! will update that
waiting list display. Also, changing the average wait time for a queue will recalculate the approximate service time for everyone in the
list and update that display. Same for clearing the list using the 'Remove All' button.
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- I have entered the 'connection string' for a waiting list on my media player, but nothing appears. Why?
The most common cause of this is that the waiting list name is not exactly as it appears in QueueIt!. Check that any spaces have been replaced
with underscores and that the case is the same as the pop-up in the View tab of QueueIt!.
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- Can QueueIt! be run on a server?
QueueIt! is designed to run on a workstation computer. You can try setting it to compatibility mode for Windows
XP Service Pack 2, but that is not guaranteed to always work on every server operating system.
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- Is QueueIt! compatible with Windows 7 and Vista?
QueueIt! is compatibile, but might have issues if it is installed in the typical installation folder. Windows 7 and Vista
can, depending upon security settings, block the writing of files within the Program Files folder. In that case, you can install
(or move) the Best Wave folder from Program Files to the root of your C: drive.
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- My company's firewall is preventing downloading the installer from your web site. What can I do?
You can use an FTP client software program to download from our Guest FTP service. The userId and password are
BestWaveGuest and bwguest. You can also try this link in Explorer:ftp://BestWaveGuest.bestwave.com:bwguest@bestwave.com
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- Where does the content for QueueIt! reside?
Everything related to QueueIt! is housed in a single folder. You select the location for that folder when you initially
install QueueIt!. The folder name is QCONTENT and is placed inside the root folder of your web service. If your web service is Apache,
then the folder will be named 'htdocs' - if the web service is Windows I I S, then the folder will be 'InetPub/wwwroot'.
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- Can I change the QCONTENT folder location?
You can change its location to another web service... to do this, find the present location of the QCONTENT folder. If you don't remember
where you placed it originally, you can see the path to the folder in a text file named 'serverpath.txt' which is located inside the folder where
QueueIt! is installed, in the sub-folder named 'Preferences'. You can modify this file using WordPad. Do not point to the QCONTENT folder
itself! Select one level up, the folder that contains QCONTENT.
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- I am installing QueueIt! on a different workstation. Can I use the Activation Code from last time?
No. QueueIt! activation codes are computer and time specific. When you reach the Activation screen, click on the Get Code button, and
fill in the form. You will receive a new activation code for this computer in a few seconds.
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- Do I have to install Apache web service on my computer?
Not necessarily. You can use your corporate web service if you prefer, or you can use Windows IIS on many Windows operating systems.
If you do decide to install Apache, you will find the installer inside of the folder where QueueIt! is installed.
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- I am using IIS and my media player does not show any content. But, I can see content from my web browser. Why?
Windows IIS does not recognize files that end with '.smil' like the ones you are trying to access do. To make it see those files, you have to
add the 'smil Mime Type' to IIS. Instructions for doing this are found in the QueueIt! user guide./P>
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- How can a web browser be used to display QueueIt! waiting list screens?
Media players and web browsers point to a specific URL to show specific content. QueueIt! works the same way. You enter a URL in the
browser's address bar. The URL starts with the IP address of the web service,
followed by the word 'QCONTENT' then the name of the queue, and index.html. For example,
a waiting list named Registration_A-M would have the following URL if the IP of the web service is Note that queue names are case sensitive.
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- Can I display QueueIt! waiting lists with DisplayIt! software?
Yes. You can create a presentation that uses the 'Full Screen Playlist' template. Then add a Web Page for each waiting list that
you want to display. You can also set how long that page will be displayed. This only works if your media player is set to the same reslolution
as the background image that you used for your QueueIt! waiting list format(s). That will be 1366x768 for wide-screen or 1024x768 for 4x3 screens.
You can also make the agenda display for a waiting list display in a web zone if your screen resolution is larger than those above.
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- Is DisplayIt! required to use QueueIt?
No. They are separate programs. You can display QueueIt! content within DisplayIt!, but the programs are not dependent upon each other
in any way.
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